
This is my now page.

Updated from a cottage in a beautiful coffee plantation 6 days, 9 hours ago.

I am a consultant to a multi-billion dollar computer company. But here are some of my other interests:


I was an avid reader until my late teens but have hardly finished good books in the past many years. But last week, I got my mojo back and finished reading two books. Reading list as of now -

*Reading in progress


It has been a while since I have written anything meaningful on the blog here. So I am currently focusing on getting a few articles written to be published here. There are a few topics I have in mind that I am drafting articles on. I will start publishing in April as these are some busy days at my job.

I intend to write more this year and share my writing. I am currently in the process of gaining deeper insights into writing and human behavioural psychology.


I am currently finding new recipes using instant coffee (blasphemy, I know!) that I can make for the days I work from home. We have a hybrid work policy, so I spend a couple of my workdays at home. A homemade coffee that feels like one from a coffee shop makes me feel good.

I figured out a cold coffee recipe with instant coffee that tastes like coffee shop coffee, I love it!

I am also back to brewing using my Hario V60. Had forgotten how good a V60 is.

Hario V60